Going Green with Flooring

Going green is big issue with today consumers. Over half of Americans care about being eco-friendly, and now 61% of US businesses are trying to go green to please their customers. St Louis is one of the main cities pioneering the green movement, as it is currently the 31st most eco-friendly city in the whole of America.?

Stranded Bamboo
stranded bamboo with eco-friendly rug

Eco-Friendly means, it is important for you?to make sure that you choose flooring that isn?t harmful to the environment. Of course, this doesn?t mean that you have to compromise on style. Flooring can be a great way to add color and style to your event, and caring for the environment doesn't mean this is any less the case.?

Consider Reusable Flooring Options

When it comes to installing eco-friendly products, the most powerful motto you can follow is Leave No Trace. This?event that leaves no trace won?t cause harm to the environment, and this may seem impossible when you consider most flooring options ? until you consider wool carpet tiles. Wool is a very sustainable fabric as it can be recycled once you are done with it; in fact, it can even be turned into fertilizer! You can also easily reuse the tiles, helping to reduce the carbon footprint for your event.

Use Flooring With A Low Carbon Footprint

If you need a more permanent form of flooring you could consider using a form of sustainable flooring, such as cork or bamboo. Cork is more sustainable than wooden or plastic flooring as it is harvested from the bark of Cork trees, which aren?t cut down entirely. This means that the bark grows back every three years, making it one of the most renewable flooring options on the market ? in fact, various studies have found that it is has a lower carbon footprint than any other flooring option. Bamboo is also a great option as it is made from fast growing grass, instead of slow growing hardwoods. Bamboo is also very strong and durable so it can last for years without needing to be replaced.

There are lots of sustainable flooring options that you can use at your event ? and as there are so many options, you don?t have to compromise on style or color. This means that it should be easy for you to find the perfect eco-friendly flooring for your next flooring project.